Staying connected is vital in every stage of life, but it’s particularly important for the elderly. During lockdown and ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, being isolated from loved-ones can be extremely difficult for those living in aged care. Families and friends are unable to visit, and this can make residents feel socially isolated. While you may not be able to visit your friend, family member or neighbour in an aged care home during lockdown, there’s still plenty you can do to stay connected.
Letter Writing
No matter your age, there is something heart-warming about receiving a handwritten letter in the mail. Sending a letter or card to your loved one doesn’t take much effort but will be greatly appreciated by the recipient. Encourage your children to put crayon to paper and create artworks that their grandparents will love.

Drop off Gifts or Books
Receiving thoughtful gifts during lockdown means the world to our residents. It can help them feel connected as it shows you are thinking of them and made a special effort. Send their favourite chocolates, flowers, a book you think they’d like or recent family photos. It may seem small, but it will greatly boost their mood and help connect them with the outside world.

Call via Skype, Zoom or FaceTime
Video calling is a great way to stay connected with your loved-one, and there’s nothing quite like being able to see someone’s face when you talk to them. We can help your loved-one receive video calls on an iPad or phone so you can see their smile.
Film a Video
A great way to connect with your loved-one is by sending a video to them. Get the family together to say hello, send a personal message or share any exciting news and life updates. No matter what you decide, it’ll help them feel a part of your life during this time. Either email the video to them or send it to George’s Estate so that we can share it with your loved- one for you.
No matter how you stay in touch, ensure you do it regularly. Maintaining connections helps your loved-one feel less lonely and makes these restrictions easier for them till you can be together again.
If you’d like to find out more about our the community at Georges Estate, contact us here: