Summer Activities for Seniors

As we age, it’s important to adapt our lifestyle to suit our surrounding environment. Not only does this help us feel comfortable in hot and inclement weather, it also ensures we feel well and can maintain our optimal health and wellbeing. 

When summer arrives, our days need to be varied to reflect these warmer temperatures. For our residents in Georges Estate, it means altering our activity calendar and creating different events where there is less movement or time outside in the sun is limited. From morning walks to staying inside with the air conditioning and joining in activities with friends and family, here are some of the things you can do this summer.

Morning walks

We know how important exercise is to both our mental and physical health and with the warmer weather upon us there are a number of things which can be altered to avoid excessive heat and sun exposure. Opting for morning walks will make the most of the cooler weather before it peaks at lunch time and going for a shorter stroll is still better than nothing. Make sure to grab a hat, sunscreen and sunglasses, and stay well hydrated. 

Mix up your bedroom

Now is the right time to swap out your heavy doona for a sheet and lighter blankets. This will help encourage a more restful sleep and make for a comfortable night. You may also want to open your blinds earlier and make the most of the morning sun. And remember our staff at Georges Estate are here to help make our residents’ rooms as comfortable as possible. 

Get involved in activities 

Whilst the activity calendar is weather dependent, we ensure there’s always something for residents to get involved with. We love baking, bingo, painting and playing card games with one another – a chance to get to know each other and make friends. The connections we make and the relationships we build during these activities have a really positive impact on our overall wellness. Plus, when we all gather in the hall or shared space, the aircon is on ensuring we stay cool and can really enjoy this socialisation. 

Brain Games 

When it’s sweltering outside, there’s no better time to be inside. Pull out some games, a good book or a puzzle and challenge yourself and your friends for the afternoon. Whilst it’s relaxing and a fun thing to do, there’s also many perks when it comes to using the brain for memory recognition and fine motor skills. The library and range of puzzles at Georges Estate means there’s no dull afternoon in sight. 


Swimming brings mulitple benefits to our health and wellbeing. It is extremely gentle on our joints, with around 90% of your body weight supported by the water it can help to overcome painful movement caused by arthritis and other health conditions. Swimming can also help in preventing falls, reducing our risk of injury and can also improve our memory, concentration and overall mood. Whether it’s slow laps or a simple dip, nothing beats enjoying the cool water on a hot day.

When you choose Georges Estate, our hardworking and dedicated team make sure your loved one is looked after all year round. To come and take a tour and see what we get up to in our home, click the link below. 

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