Tips for setting up your loved one’s room in aged care

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Making the move into residential aged care can be a hugely challenging and emotional transition for your family and loved ones. At Georges Estate, we are committed to making this process seamless and as comfortable as possible. The bedroom is one of the most private and sacred spaces for our residents, and we believe it is important to create a bedroom space that feels familiar and comfortable for all who call Georges Estate home.

Moving from a household of family memories and well-known surroundings to somewhere new can be overwhelming, so we have put together some helpful tips to creating a new, special space for your loved one here at Georges Estate.

Bring your own bedding

The most important thing when it comes to setting up a room is making it feel as comfortable as possible, physically and figuratively. This can be achieved by bringing in something as simple as your loved one’s bedding, such as sheets, doona covers, blankets and pillows. Familiar bedding will help to create a sense of ease and comfort for your loved one as they transition into their new bedroom.

Photos of family and friends

It might seem simple but including photographs of family, friends and special memories in are a very important part of setting up your loved ones new space. In addition to keeping fond memories close by, it also provides an opportunity for our nurses to get to know your loved one and invites conversation about particular events and life memories. Display them on the bedside table or chest of drawers and ask our staff about hanging larger ones on the wall.

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Add some greenery

It’s proven plants bring many benefits to a bedroom; improve indoor air quality, improve moods, encourage a sense of calmness, and add a pop of colour. By choosing a low maintenance indoor plant, this will instantly brighten up the bedroom and it can also be a great opportunity for a designated day trip…to go to the nursery and select plants for the room together.

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Bring your favourite furniture

Bringing your house into your new home can be easier than you think. Chat with our staff about bringing along your family member’s favourite chair or chest of drawers for their new home. Sentimental pieces of furniture that have formed part of your loved one’s life for many years can create a feeling of familiarity and comfort as they adjust to their new surroundings.

Sentimental items

Along with photos and bedding, including some sentimental items in the packing process is another way to create a warm and homely feel to the room. Items such as paintings, ornaments, or a coin collection, allows your family member to keep special items close by and to share with their new community at Georges Estate. Don’t forget their hobbies too… puzzles, knitting or favourite card or board games, make sure they’re packed!

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Give your room a homely smell

There’s nothing more inviting and calming than a fresh smell. Adding incense, fresh flowers or a diffuser is a smart way to keep the room fresh, while choosing a familiar smell which brings back memories or reflects that of home. It’s also a nice way to add some bright colours to the space!

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