Summer safety tips for seniors

The summer season is finally here and with the warmer weather, it’s also worth taking a moment to consider the risks that seniors face when spending too much time out in the summer sun, and avoid turning a lovely day out into a painful memory.

We should remember that hot, humid weather can impact our health during summer and therefore make sure we have specific procedures in place which will protect us from this harsh environment. We’ve put together some helpful tips on how you can stay cool and safe this summer:

Stay hydrated

As the weather starts to get hotter, it’s important to listen to your body and drink as much water as you can, even if you’re not feeling thirsty. If you feel like you’re sweating when you’re outside this can lead to dehydration, which can in turn result in serious heat-related illnesses in seniors. It’s important to pay attention to the early signs of thirst and dehydration, as people become less aware of their thirst as they get older. It’s recommended to drink at least  two litres of water or having six to eight glasses a day.

Being sun smart

The hot summer sun can be deadly and cause great damage to our skin if we don’t take precautions. It’s important to be sun smart and protect yourself from both the heat and the sun’s rays. Ways you can do this are by applying sunscreen with at least SPF30+ on the label, wearing a hat (preferably wide-brimmed) and staying in the shade when the sun is at its strongest. Take the time to remind seniors to apply extra sun protection – or help them do so – if they’re spending extended periods of time outside.

Heat-related illnesses

As we grow older, our bodies are less able to handle the hot summer temperatures as well. Seniors in particular are at a higher risk of heart-related illnesses as the summer heat can affect their health. Recognising the early warning signs of heat-related illnesses such as heat stroke, dehydration and heat exhaustion can help prevent these outcomes.

Symptoms include:

  • Dry skin
  • Dizziness
  • High body temperature
  • Flushed face

To prevent these symptoms progressing, be sure to have lots of water available, cold compresses or head to a cool area.

Limiting time outside As temperatures rise throughout the summer season, it’s recommended that seniors limit their time outside. The hottest time of the day is between 10am to 4pm, so plan on enjoying your outdoor activities before and after those times.

Know the side effects of your prescriptions

Some medications can cause increased sensitivity to the sun. Check the labels on your medications and talk with your doctor about any concerns or questions you may have.

Our daily activity schedules are all weather-dependent and we make sure these procedures are in place. If you’d like to find out more about our community at Georges Estate, contact us here:


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