Benefits of Spending Time Outdoors

Sometimes it’s the simple things which give the greatest pleasure. Things like sipping on a cup of tea outside, taking a walk around the garden, reading a book or enjoying a bus outing with residents and staff reap many benefits for our health and well-being, especially to those in aged care. 

Research has confirmed being outside does more than just lift your spirits; it also provides a boost for your physical and mental well-being and it’s an area of allied health we’re proud to offer our residents and promote at Georges Estate. 

Let’s have a look at what types of activities we incorporate into our lifestyle calendar to help residents make the most of the beautiful outdoor area we have here at Georges,, while looking at the benefits which come with it too. 

Better overall mental health

At Georges Estate, we’re proud to have built a spacious outdoor area perfect to spend time with family and friends, but also it’s a great place to retreat if someone is looking to enjoy some time to themselves. One of the benefits of making the most of this beautiful garden space is increased physical activity, whether it’s a short stroll around to get the body moving, or simply soaking up the sun rays and getting a dose of vitamin D, which is often low among seniors. It’s also a great way to enjoy a change of scenery and get out of the bedroom. Experiencing new environments and feeling sunshine on your skin releases endorphins and helps create a positive mood. 

Change of scenery 

There’s nothing like adding some variety into a daily routine, and Georges Estate work hard to create a lifestyle calendar which involves both in-home activities and external excursions. After COVID, we’ve had the chance to get the bus out and about again and we recently  visited the NSW Art Gallery. These excursions offer residents the chance to learn something new and be exposed to different scenarios, while socialising and strengthening relationships with old and new friends. Another benefit of these trips is being in a new setting each time, whether it’s a museum, cafe or park. It’s also a chance to get out and about and enjoy new experiences , an important factor for seniors. Plus these are educational opportunities where everyone can learn something new.

Increased energy 

The occasional morning outdoors can help increase mood and energy levels. Taking some time to sit down, relax and take it all in, rejuvenates and refills our cup in a unique and simple way. For seniors especially, being outside in nature makes them feel more alive and provides a greater sense of energy and vitality, which can help make them more resilient to illness. Spending time outdoors may boost memory too; in fact, one study found a 20 percent improvement in attention span and memory after spending just one hour in a natural environment. More time spent outdoors resulted in even greater gains in memory, and it may improve creativity as well.

Time with nature

You know the saying to stop and smell the roses? Well, this literally provides many benefits, from boosting your mood to using your senses, walking around and spotting different flora helps with memory recognition, touch and smell. 

The next time you visit your loved one, why not make a trip outdoors and spend some quality time in a new setting? You will both be thankful! 

We would love for you to come and experience our modern and spacious home, as well as the facilities which have been built to promote the overall health and wellness for our residents. You can book a tour here:


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